Contextual studies - essay coursework

For our first big Theory project for our contextual studies, we have to study a sequence (3 - 10 minutes long) from a TV show and write a 1000 word essay which explores the different camera angles, mise-en-scene, lighting, costume, setting, performance, sound and editing.

We also have to give our interpretation of the elements involved in this scene and what is learnt about the story, characters and the meaning of the visual aspects and reflect on the genre conventions.

For my chosen sequence, I have selected the battle from Game of Thrones season 7 episode 6 called 'The Spoils of War', Where Danerys (Danni) and her Darthraki army attack a Lannister supply caravan on it's way to King's Landing.

I have chosen this sequence specifically as this entire sequence is filled with action in every shot throughout the timeframe, right from the beginning where Jamie and Bron first hear the thunder hooves of the Darthraki to the ending when Jaime is nearly burned alive by Drogon after trying to kill Danni, there's a moment where the action relents.
