Dungeness - location project

On Thursday, our class went to Dungeness for a day location project. For our pre-production phase on Monday, we went into groups of three (I was with Alyssa and Katie) and were instructed to write a 2/3 page script which we could film at Dungeness (Thursday) and then edit today (Friday) for screening on Monday in front of the class.

After looking up Dungeness on Google Maps for location inspiration, we found two key areas we wanted to use.  The abandoned shed (left) and the beach front (right). These two areas gave us the inspiration for our script, which was about two friends who has returned to the beach where their friend had died. The beach front represents where the friend died and the shed represents where they used to hang out as a trio.

Myself and Alyssa chose to be the two character on-screen, while Katie was our narrator and third character in the occasional shot. As there is no dialogue in our script (instead we have a voice-over from the narrator), we relied on our camera shots and performance to show what was happening in the story.

For editing, I decided to take a slightly sombre approach from the initial script we wrote together. For example, the ending of the script is this:

in order to make the emotional effect hit harder, I decided to link the first dialogue piece from this extract into when the narrator is looking at the two girls and then walking away. I then decided to place the final piece of dialogue over the ending clips of both girls looking over the necklace that once belonged to their friend and looking out over the ocean.

Project link: https://youtu.be/mcYKLtALgKg

This project took around 2/3 hours to edit (not including the time spent recording the voice over and importing the video/audio over on our edit day) but was still a lot of fun overall to complete. This project has also been an experience in how filming outside is actually done and how much more you have to be aware of sunlight (for exposure levels) and elements such as strong winds as that can cause the camera to move out of place, or it can result in choppy sound as a result of the mic being overwhelmed by the wind.


  1. it would be good for you to learn how to embed a youtube clip into your blog rather than the link only. Its straight forward to do - have a look.


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