Richard Grannon interview and transcript

For the first interview of our documentary, we interviewed Rochard Grannon who runs 'Spartan Life Coach', Richard is an 'NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) master practitioner, is passionate about helping people defend themselves, get back on their feet and finally free themselves from narcissistic abuse'. He also focuses on social media and aspects of it alongside social media.

We choose Richard for this interview as we felt we could get two elements of both mental health and social media in one.

We interviewed him on the 5th of May for roughly twenty minutes exploring how social media can affect mental health and how it has affected our society as a whole. Below is the interview video from that day.

For transcribing his interview, I played through his interview many many times in order to write down his answers to every question Aodhan asked. Below is the link to the interview transcript:


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