TV News - Evaluation
Brainstorming: Shortly after our briefing, we got into a group that consisted of myself, Carla and Jack and began brainstorming about possible ideas for our piece. The three ideas we could pick from (we could either do one story or do two) were environment, sleep or veganisim. Our first initial ideas, environment, came from a newspaper article Carla had read which talked about petrol possibly coming to an end in just sixteen years. We ran with this initial idea as environment and it's protection are big in the media at the moment, with Greta Thunberg being a widely talked-about advocate at the time of researching for our stories. Jack came up with a story idea for veganisim as he had already done some research into the topics, prompting him to want to create a historical focused piece of how it was perceived back in the 1980's hen it first came about compared to now, where more people are adopting a vegan lifestyle. During his 'pitch' to us, he talked about the ef...